Gail India Limited (GAIL) is the hugest state-controlled natural gas distribution &processing corporation in India. There headquarter is in New Delhi. The following business segments were included such as liquid petroleum gas transmissions, liquefied hydrocarbon, petrochemicals, natural gas, city gas distributions, production &exploration, electricity generation &GAILTEL. On 1 Feb 2013 GAIL India was presented with the status ofMaharatna, by the Indian Government. Justother6 Public Sector Enterprises (PSE) have this popular status among all central CPSE. As stated by the 2014 Brand Trust Report GAIL was recorded in the 131st rank amongst India's most confided brands, a survey operated by Trust Research Counselling.
The government of Uttarakhand contracted a MoU along with The Hans Foundation (THF) for launching several initiatives &development projects across various sectors together with Disability &Healthcare, Forest Regeneration, Electrification of Villages, Agriculture, Education, and Sanitation&Water. CM Harish Rawat signed the MoU. The MOU signing marks the foremost step in the operationalization of THF's & its popular NGO in Uttarakhand 'Vision 2020'.
The THF motivated NGO confederation for Uttarakhand would probably include CRY, American India Foundation, Plan International, International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development, Max India Foundation, Himmothan (Tata Trust), CBM, Help Age India, International Fund for Agriculture Development, Tata Sustainability Group, Charities Aid Foundation, & the Azim Premji Foundation.
India's foremost monthly magazine CSR VISION in print is devoted to CSR & Sustainable Development to bring together all shareholders for sustainable development at local &global levels and functions as a platform for advocating sustainable development &strategic CSR practices via dissemination of knowledge &information.
The CSR project in uttarakhandData Portal is a scheme by the Government of India Ministry of Corporate Affairs, for establishing a platform to spread Corporate Social Responsibility associated information &data filed by the firms listed with it.
The best NGO in Uttarakhand/indiaCSR concept in India is administered by the Companies Act of Section 135, 2013 & Rules crafted thereunder in which the criteria have been offered for evaluating the CSR entitlement of a firm, Reporting &Implementation of their CSR Strategies. India has the most expanded implementation strategy &CSR mechanism has begun its journey to set a yardstick in achieving stakeholder activism &sustainability goals in building the nation.
The CSR domain is growing big and for forthcoming years it would turn as a rare knowledge base for achieving &analysingsustainability objectives as amongst numerous great economies India is a nation which has guaranteed by authorizing CSR over its judicial actions.
For more information about GAIL india, please visit women empowerment in Uttarakhand.
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